Thursday, August 15, 2013

3 Simple Steps To Clear Your Debt Faster, By M. Morgan-Bellinger

Effective Solutions To Get Relief From Mounting Debt

To enjoy relief from your growing debt problems follow these three debt crunching steps to clear your debt faster & reduce your stress from the mounting financial pressure.

However for those who spend more than they earn & are not willing to change their spending habits, they will soon be joining the rest of the crowd who are drowning in debt & living under enormous financial stress with their ever growing credit bill.

So if this is you, this article will show you how to pay off your debt fast & get relief from your mounting debt burden.

3 Steps To Rid Yourself Of Debt For Good

1. Get Rid Of Those Credit Cards

It is said that misery loves company & you are not alone if you have a certain amount of credit card debt as you will have plenty of company here.

The average American has approximately $9,000 in credit card debt alone & this is one of the main sources of getting into massive debt for many households.

So be ruthless & attack your credit card debt with urgency - the interest rates you pay are usually the highest which makes it an extremely expensive form of credit which will compound your debt problems if you are not paying off more than the minimum amounts

Without having that access to easy credit you will be forced to pay cash for your purchases & as a consequence you will only buy items that you really need.

You will also be encouraged to shop around for the cheapest price & end up being more economical with your money.

If you cannot pay cash for it, do not buy it - this goes for small items as well as big ticket purchases like cars.

2. Start Saving & Let the Power of Compound Interest Help You Eliminate Your Debt

Just to illustrate the power of compound interest, imagine if in 1950 you had invested $1,000 a year in a stock fund that generated an average return, it would be worth just under $2,000,000 today - not bad for a less than $100 a month investment.

So by saving a little every month you will be able to start creating wealth for yourself - you have to do this no matter how hard if you want to change your financial situation.

Instead of treating yourself to something that doesn't add any real value to your life, put the amount that you would've spent on that treat into the best interest bearing account you can find.

If you do this every month you will soon discover that the power of compound interest will be increasing your bank balance at a faster rate than you would ever have imagined.

3. Choose Cost-Free Options To Entertain Yourself & Family

Believe me, there are so many ways to get immense value & enjoyment out of life without having to spend money, for instance;
  • going for a picnic with friends & family
  • start running, cycling or any other sporting activity - after a morning spent doing this you will feel an immense amount of satisfaction & fulfillment & will not have the need to go out & spend money on entertainment, food & drink
  • take lunch to work instead of going out for lunch
These are just a few examples but the point is that you can lead a fulfilling life without it costing you money - you do not have to pay to enjoy yourself.

In Conclusion, Only Take Decisions That Make Sound Financial Sense

Even if you are not swamped by debt you would be well advised to make decisions that are sound when it comes to managing debt & your financial health & wealth.

It goes without saying that if you could increase your income or wealth somehow you would have more disposable income & more money available for saving, paying off debt or just spending.

So it would pay you to equip yourself with better skills or qualifications to either get an increase, a better paying job or to start a business part-time or full time that will provide you with an income beyond your widest dreams.
PS. Improve your financial fitness by getting these tips & advice that will help you Manage Your Personal Finance better & create wealth.


just go to the following link for tips & advice for managing your personal finance & debt effectively:
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