Friday, August 9, 2013

How to Get Out of the Dark and Into the Light of Good Credit, By Joshua Clayton

Warning: The process described in the title is a very eventual process and requires some patience. But, the thing is that it is possible to get and maintain great credit, even with a few messes and "rodeo rides" in your life that you have had. This is not an article about "scores" or "tricks", but it does have a few practical techniques that may be useful for a long haul credit building scenario.

Before you do anything though, you should prepare yourself (if you do have bad credit) for a long and interesting journey that you can make work for you if you are patient and effort filled enough.

The thing is, to work on your credit, you first need a patient, understanding and tolerant mindset for all supposed pitfalls and at times, taxing situations. Develop strong nerves through good affirmations that curtail your stress that suit you, and use them with feeling every morning and every night. Sure, that technique seems simple, but it does have cumulative and powerful effects. I am not going to give any affirmations here as this is not an appropriate article, but like I said, dealing with all credit issues good or bad takes a patient, understanding and tolerant mindset that is ready for a long journey that takes effort and patience. I mention patience so much, because that is a key factor in all things related to credit: scores, cards and all.

Like a great physique is not built overnight, remember, good credit is the same principle, only we are dealing with money, finances and budgeting. Like a body must be used but not abused to stay healthy, so must finances and credit.

So, I give the most cogent, viable and realistic advice I can give here and give well: Work out and with your credit by getting more than just the free report every year printed out, gauge it like you gauge your step or treadmill exercise at the gym, only more patiently and watchfully. Think as you spend, think as you save, and know that you will have good credit even when things temporarily get bad at times. Just know that the bad times will not last, and that for every problem in this area, there is a solution.

Do I follow my own advice? Yes, to the letter. I may not have the best credit yet, but in the long run, I know I will. For, I will put it this way: I do not worry unreasonably, yet I am not too pessimistic or optimistic, I do what I need to do when I need to do it without lazy fears or overt zealousness, and I do actively think and monitor like I need and want to monitor. In short, I keep the balance and keep it well, and I advise you to do the same to succeed in what you want to do.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
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