Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How To Spend Money Wisely By Controlling Your Spending Habits, By Jake Thompson

Bad spending habits are among the most commons factors that lead people to bankruptcy. Most of people are used to overspending on everything. They do not keep anything aside from their monthly income or salary and max out on their credit cards. Mostly, they pay their utility bills after due date and sometimes even forget paying their dues altogether.You might not become a defaulter as it can severely damage your credit ratings. As a result, you will find it difficult to secure a loan or land a good job. All this can lead you to depression and intense level of stress. You need to learn how to spend money wisely in order to prevent such things from happening. The followings pointers can help you spend your hard-earned money wisely.First off, consider automating your payments. You may connect your due accounts with your bank account. When payments become due, the amount will automatically be deducted from your bank account. It eliminates the need to monitor your schedule and all you have to do is to make sure there is sufficient amount of money in your bank account to make payments.Another important tip is to cut back on your leisure. If you have a sincere look at your spending habits, you will come to know that you can do without many things you often spend money on. For instance, you can cook at home by just shelling out $10 instead of dinning out for $100. Similarly, you can wait for movies to become available in DVDs rather than going to theaters. Always plan your trips and journeys. In this way, you can save a lot on fuel and transport.Always keep those pennies and never throw them away considering unimportant. Instead, collect them and put them in a secure place, such as a drawer or a piggyback. At the end of the month, you will be surprised to see that you have accumulated a good sum of money.Teach your family how to save. Do not limit your saving habits to yourself alone. All members of your family might learn how to spend money correctly. Teach your kids that it is not good to ask money over and over again in a day. Moreover, avoid eating out with your friends too frequently.You might change the way you think too. The bulk of materialistic people is tied down by their materialistic possessions and spends money lavishly on things they want to purchase. This is not a good mentality. It is advisable not to be obsessed with materialistic things. By doing so, you can save moolah to meet your needs down the road.You can employ subliminal messages or affirmations so as to reform your thinking. You can persuade yourself from overspending by telling lines to yourself, such as I need to save money for future needs; spending too much is not good; I have to make my future bright and so on. Also, you can download several subliminal messages in the form of audio and video and listen to them on a regular basis. Try out these tips and you will never regret your decision.

Moola Mind. Getting Creative on Saving MoneyMoola Mind on FacebookArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_ThompsonArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7121729

1 comment:

  1. I used to have the same problem with overspending and maxing out my credit card. But when I came into a realization, I started to budget my salary and spending wisely. When I ran short in cash, I would apply for a payday loan instead of doing cash advances on my credit card. A payday loan has a lower interest rate than a cash advance from credit card.

    Eustolia Nitta
