Friday, January 8, 2016

Ways To Budget Your Money Carefully, By Sohaib Azam

There are literally hundreds of article and books devoted on budgeting money carefully. I will write on two methods that help me budget money carefully in hopes that others may be able to use this knowledge to help them in their future endeavors.

Method #1: If You Use A Credit Card, Always Check Your Statement Online At Least Once A Week

Most Americans probably own and use a credit card whenever they make purchases, either because it's convenient and/or because they can get reward points for it. Most Americans are probably aware of the countless stories and articles about credit card debt. However, most credit card debt could be avoided if one pays attention every week to their credit card statements every week.
Whenever I look at my credit card statement every week, I can see how much my balance is as well as what I am spending my money on. When you take a look at what you are spending money on, you can see what expenses you are acquiring that are not always necessary such as eating out or buying things you might not need. It is always important to keep track of your purchases so you can understand where your money is going and if you are making purchases that you can try and trim down a little. The main takeaway from this method is always be aware of how much you are spending.

Method #2: Always Be Aware Of How Much Money Is In Your Bank Account
Most banks will allow you to see your statement online. This is very useful as it allows you to access how much money you have in your account at all times. You should always be aware of how much money you have so that you know how much you can spend. Financial problems often occur when people spend money and are not aware of how much they are spending and how much money they actually have to spend. The main takeaway from this method is always be aware of how much you have available to spend.
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